I’m kinda, sorta obsessed with bun hairstyles.
Because they look best with second (or third!) day hair, they’re SUPER easy to do, and they compliment pretty much everything.
In my opinion, anyway.
So I’ve been skipping the shampoo and testing out a bunch of different bun hairstyles lately, and while it’s taking me LESS time to get ready each morning, I actually feel more stylish.
And since I know I’m not the only gal out there who likes to look good but doesn’t have a lot of spare time to sit in front of the mirror these days, today I’m sharing 10 of my favorite looks with you.
Oh! And you will notice a couple of the tutorials use a hair donut. I had no idea what this was prior to researching for this post, but after buying this 3-Piece Chignon Hair Donuts Ring Style Bun Maker Set by Beaute Galleria, my bun hairstyles look AMAZING!
1. Perfect Low Bun by Luxy Hair
This bun is so simple and elegant – I love it!
2. Sleek High Bun Hair Tutorial by Carli Bybel
OMG, the toothbrush trick in this is AMAZING. And so is the look!
3. The Messiest of Buns Tutorial by The Small Things Blog
If you have medium-length hair (like me!), you will LOVE this tutorial!
4. Cinnamon Bun Hair Tutorial by Luxy Hair
If the whole “sock bun” scares you (like it used to scare me!), you will love this look!
5. Quick & Messy Bun by Luxy Hair
I love this one!
6. Easy Elegant Hair Bun by CinthiaTruong
If you have long hair, this look is for you!
7. Twisted Bun in 2 Minutes by RachhLoves
This bun is PERFECT for mornings when you’re running late and don’t have a lot of time to mess about with your hair!
8. Knot Bun by asksash88
I wasn’t sure about this one at first, but I really love this look. It’s easy to do, and it’s a neat twist on your regular, boring bun hairstyle!
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If you like these bun hairstyles as much as I do, please share them on Pinterest!