Detox 101: 7-Day Cleanse for Weight Loss and a Flat Belly

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The Best 7-Day Cleanse Meal Plans for Weight Loss | Whether you’re trying to detox your body of harmful toxins, or simply want to lose 10 pounds for an upcoming event, a full body fat flush will help you in your health and weight loss goals, leaving you with a flat belly, clear skin, and increased energy. We’ve rounded up 8 fat burning weight loss cleanses to consider, and have all the tips you need to get started TODAY. #cleanse #detox #vegan #cleaneating #weightloss #diet #keto

Have you ever thought of doing a 7-day cleanse? Cleanses come in all different shapes and sizes, and depending on your body and goals, you can choose the one that works best for you. If you’re doing a 7-day cleanse diet for weight loss, there are a number of great options to choose from. Along with weight loss, cleanses have numerous benefits for your physical and mental health. Wondering how exactly they work? Let’s dive in!

What is a Cleanse?

A cleanse is a strategy used to rid your body of toxins. In our day-to-day lives, we’re exposed to tons of dangerous toxins, from environmental toxins, to toxins in the foods and beverages we consume, to toxins in our home care products. The body is naturally able to detox itself via the liver, and bodily fluids, but a cleanse helps your organs rest, and supports and increases liver function for better detox capabilities.

What Are the Benefits of Doing a Cleanse?

Weight loss isn’t the only benefit of doing a cleanse. Detoxing your body can help with everything from boosting your energy levels to balancing your hormones, to keeping your cravings at bay. Here are 6 awesome benefits of doing a cleanse, in addition to weight loss.

1. Increased Energy
If you tend to feel sluggish throughout the day, a cleanse can help you get your energy back. While you may feel fatigue early on in your detox, you’ll end up with more sustained energy during and after your cleanse.

2. Curbing Cravings and Addictions
Cravings occur due to hormonal imbalances, and when you cleanse, you’re able to balance your hormones. Cravings can lead to binge eating and weight gain, so it’s important to put a stop to them as soon as you can. Cravings can also turn into addictions, with processed foods creating a surge of dopamine, leading some individuals to get addicted. Cleanses can stop this addictive pattern in its tracks!

3. Transforming Your Diet
It’s important that you maintain a healthy diet after you cleanse. Long term sustainable change should be your first priority if you want to lose weight and keep it off. A detox will help you reset the way you eat and the choices you make when it comes to food.

4. Stress Management
A cleanse helps balance your hormones, including your cortisol levels. Cortisol is our main stress hormone and it’s released during times of low and high stress. A detox focuses on blood sugar balancing foods that will help regulate your cortisol levels, making you feel better all around.

5. Giving Your Body Micronutrients
Many people lack micronutrients in their diet, but they are key to good health. Micronutrient deficiency is one of the biggest causes of disease that can link to conditions in the thyroid, respiratory system and immune system overall. A seven day cleanse focuses on whole foods and beverages that are packed with micronutrients. This ensures your body is getting the vitamins, minerals and nutrients it needs to stay at optimal health!

6. Clearing Your Skin
Your diet can have a major impact on your skin, and if you’re prone to breakouts and acne, a cleanse could be just what you need. Since you’re detoxing your body on a cleanse, you’ll clear your skin of toxins.

How Much Weight Will I Lose By Doing a Cleanse?

Every body and every detox diet is different, but on a seven day cleanse, you can expect to lose anywhere from 5 to 20 pounds. Keep in mind that this drastic drop in weight will only be maintained if you continue to lead a healthy lifestyle and eat a healthy diet afterwards.

How Do I Follow a Body Cleanse?

1. Drink Water
First things first, make sure to drink lots of water during your cleanse. Adequate hydration is crucial during your detox, as even mild dehydration can lead to headaches, anxiety and a decrease in cognitive function. Even if you’re on a juice-only cleanse, you still need to drink water to rid your body of toxins.

2. Pee and Sweat
If you’re drinking lots of water, the first one will come naturally, but these two things are important to ridding your body of toxins. Peeing and sweating releases fat from your body, and fat is where most toxins are stored. The more you pee and sweat, the more toxins are released and the better cleanse you can get!

3. Restorative Movement
Hardcore workouts are best to stay away from on your cleanse, but you should still get your body moving with restorative exercises like yoga, pilates, and even walking. To release toxins, you want to get your blood flowing, and these exercises are the best way to do it.

4. Rest
So much of our lives are go, go, go, but it’s important to rest your mind and body, especially during a detox. Take time for yourself to do things that relax you, whether it’s reading a book, taking a bubble bath, or lounging on the couch binging Netflix. Make sure you get plenty of rest and get to bed early as the liver is able to process the most amount of inflammation when you sleep.

5. Only Eat and Drink Whole Foods
If you’re following a specific 7 day cleanse, the detox diet will guide you on exactly what to eat, but make sure to eliminate sugars, wheat, refined foods, alcohol and all that “bad” stuff. This eliminates inflammation and makes it easier for your liver to detox your body.

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