Forget the 6-Pack! 8 11 Line Ab Workouts for a Strong Core

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Eight 11 Line Ab Workouts for a Strong Core | If you're looking for a workout routine that will help you achieve your goals of K-Pop worthy 11 line abs, this post is for you! We're sharing 5 simple lifestyle changes you can start TODAY to help you get 11 line abs FAST, plus our favorite at home workouts that target the right muscles. Use these workout videos to create your very own customized workout plan and combine it with the right diet and lots of hydration for quick results!

If having toned abs has always been a goal of yours, we totally know how you feel. They make you feel strong, they look great in pictures and can help increase your overall health. While some prefer the look of a 6-pack, many women today desire 11-line abs. It can take time to develop 11-line abs, so stick to it! Be patient and consistent with your diet, lifestyle habits and 11-line ab workouts and you’re sure to see results soon. Check out our best tips to get the look!

What Are ‘11-Line Abs’?

11-line abs are when you develop three vertical lines of definition: one down the middle and one on each side of your abdomen. You’ve most likely seen them on K-Pop stars and all over Instagram, especially during bikini season. You can get 11-line abs with a combination of lifestyle habits, diet and 11-line ab workouts.

How to Get 11-Line Abs: 5 Tips

1. Focus on Certain Exercises
Working certain muscles can increase the likelihood of developing 11-line abs. Oblique work is one of the most effective ways to develop those vertical lines. Check out the workouts below to see the most effective exercises you can do to create those 11-line abs.

2. Add Resistance Training to Your Routine
Working your abs everyday isn’t the only thing you should be doing if you want 11-line abs. Resistance training increases muscle strength by making your muscles work against a weight force. When you strengthen other parts of your body, your abs are often forced to engage and develop too. Whole body workouts are important for a strong core and 11-line abs.

3. Fill Your Diet with Nutritious Whole Foods
Focus on eating lots of nutritious whole foods such as fruits, veggies, whole grains, fatty fish, healthy fats, and high protein foods. These foods are high in micronutrients and antioxidants and low in calories. This helps support weight loss and increase fat burning. Whole foods also supply fibre and healthy fats, which play a role in improving body composition.

4. Avoid Added Sugars, Fried Food and Alcohol
These are three of the worst things for your ab-building goals and your overall health in general. Limit or cut them out completely if you want those 11-line abs. These three things increase body fat and contribute to weight gain. They can also lead to other health problems such as cardiovascular disease, diabetes and heart attack and stroke.

5. Focus on Your Water Intake
Not only does water keep you properly hydrated, it can help you lose weight and get abs faster. When you first wake up in the morning, drink enough water to completely fill you up. This will kickstart your metabolism and fill out the stomach. Drinking a glass of water before a meal will curb your hunger and improve your digestion. When you feel hungry, drink a glass of water as many times it can be dehydration rather than hunger.

8 11-Line Ab Workouts

Abs Workout Get That 11 Line Abs in 35 Days | Chloe Ting

In just over a month, you’ll be on your way to the coveted 11-line abs if you follow this workout. It will help you burn belly fat and lose weight (along with a healthy diet of course). It’s an intense 10-minute long ab workout that includes 12 11-line ab focused exercises like bicycle crunches, corkscrews and side plank twists. Add it into your cardio and resistance routines and you’ll be rocking 11-line abs in no time.

11 Line Abs / Intense Upper, Lower Abs & Obliques Workout | Angela Kajo

This routine works your upper and lower abs and obliques to give you stunning 11-line abs. These exercises include heel and toe touches, alternating oblique twists and boxers. For fast results, she recommends doing this workout 2 to 3 times per week and make sure to keep active on other days as much as possible.

10 Min Ab Crack Workout | Get 11 Line Abs Fast | Eylem Abaci

If you want 11-line abs, you need to train your abs hard and burn the fat storage around your core. This workout will train your entire ab muscles, especially your obliques. She offers tips for working through this routine, such as thinking about your ab muscles while doing the exercises, trying not to take breaks and performing the workout 2 to 3 times per week to give your muscles time to recover in between.

Bodyweight Morning Abs (Get the 11 Line Abs) Lazy Workout (5 Mins) | Jaclyn Wood

If you’re feeling super lazy, but still want to get an ab workout in, do this 5 minute routine. You can get defined abs quick with no gym and no equipment! It’s a crunches-only workout, so you’ll be laying down the whole time doing exercises like crunch pulses, top tap cross crunches, bike cross crunches and tuck crunches. If you’re not feeling too lazy, you can add this on to the beginning or end of your workout.

11 Line Abs Workout (No Equipment) | Holly Dolke

Check out her go-to 11-line ab exercises in 11 minutes! This workout is short but intense and targets the right muscles to get the 11-lines down the stomach. You’ll do exercises like single leg crunches, knees to elbow, slow mountain climbers and bicycles. Get ready to feel the burn and get stunning results!

Best 11 Line Abs | Lose Fat in 14 Days | 8 Minute Workout | Lilly Sabri

This ab exercise routine will help show you how to get a toned flat stomach and burn stubborn belly fat from home. It’s an 8 minute challenge and she’s taken everyone’s favourite 11-line ab exercises and mashed them into one so get ready to feel the burn. She wants you to do it for 14 days to get the results you’re looking for.

Intense Oblique Workout | Get the 11 Abs in No Time | Elizabeth Chu

If you’re ready for an intense 11-line ab workout, this is the one for you! It consists of a variety of oblique workouts that will give your abs a serious burn. She reminds you to engage your core and breathe, as breathing will make the workout more effective and intense. She takes you through a series of exercises including kneeling side crunches, Russian twists and side jackknives.

My 11 Abs Workout Routine (Two Week Challenge) | zoeunlimited

If you’re a fan of K-Pop you may have noticed how many of the K-Pop stars have 11 line abs. If this is your motivation, you’re going to love this workout! She lets you in on the moves she does consistently to get those 11-line K-pop idol abs including reverse crunch kicks, butterfly kick outs and up and down crunch planks.

If you’re looking to get those 11-line abs, these are our tips and workouts for you! Follow them and watch your abs transform.

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