If you’re thinking about getting pregnant, it’s never too early to start learning about ways you can boost your fertility.
Whether this is your first time, or you’ve been pregnant before, it’s nearly impossible to know how long it will take to conceive.
When trying to become pregnant, simple changes to your diet and lifestyle will benefit your reproductive system and help you achieve better overall health.
Learn how to boost your fertility naturally by following these 23 tips.
How to Boost Your Fertility Naturally Through Diet
1. Eat a big breakfast
Consuming a healthy breakfast has been shown to improve issues with fertility. Instead of ending your day with a large meal, choose to start your day with a big breakfast. You can improve your ovulation and reduce your insulin levels which help with conception.
2. Think organic
Organic food may cost a little more, but it is worth it when it comes to your fertility. Foods that are produced organically contain fewer to no pesticides, have a higher level of nutrients, and a greater level of antioxidants.
3. Try a different protein
Protein is important in any diet, but you want to be sure to choose the right type of protein if you want to reduce your risk of infertility. Think about switching to vegetable proteins such as nuts, seeds, and beans.
4. Choose foods rich in antioxidants
Antioxidants such as zinc and folate help to reduce free radicals in your body, improving eggs as well as sperm. Go for natural sources whenever possible, such as walnuts, grains, fruits, and vegetables.
5. Avoid trans fats
Eliminate trans fats from your diet altogether if you’re trying to get pregnant. Too many can directly impact your ovulation and reduce your chances of a natural conception.
6. Add natural supplements
Adding vitamin D and folic acid to your diet are a big part of good fertility. Consider taking a prenatal vitamin before you conceive to help boost your intake of these as well as other key nutrients. For example, B12 helps to improve ovulation and implantation, and zinc can reduce your risk of miscarriage.
7. Choose high-fat dairy
Fertility and high-fat dairy are directly connected. It’s been shown that eating one or two servings of dairy high in fat each day can improve your chances of ovulation.
8. Reduce your alcohol intake
If you regularly consume alcohol, you may want to rethink how much you’re drinking. Women who drink more could see a reduction in their fertility. Many experts advise women to avoid alcohol altogether during their most fertile days of the month.
9. Add more iron
During your reproductive years, iron is more important than ever. Choosing foods that are rich in iron can improve both ovulation and fertility. Go for plant-based sources and consider taking a supplement if you’re still not getting enough.
10. Don’t forget the honey
You may be surprised to know that honey is a natural fertility booster. Honey is high in nutrients, and has anti-inflammatory, antioxidant and antibacterial properties. It is believed to improve egg quality as well as your overall fertility.
11. Avoid refined carbs
Consider switching from white to brown when it comes to carbs. Choose whole foods such as brown rice and whole wheat pasta and bread. Avoiding refined carbs helps to balance your glucose levels which in turn supports a healthy balance of hormones. Whole foods also contain greater levels of nutrients.
12. Watch your fiber
Fruits and vegetables as well as whole grains are all great sources of fiber and they keep your digestive system on track. Make sure you’re getting your recommended daily allowance of 30 grams. However, be careful not to overdo it. Consuming too much fiber can disrupt your reproductive hormone levels.
13. Reduce caffeine
Most of us love the boost caffeine gives us. Too much caffeine, however, can increase your risk of miscarriage. Limit your consumption to less than 200 mg a day, and don’t forget to look out for caffeine in things like tea, chocolate, and certain medications.
How to Boost Your Fertility Naturally with Lifestyle Changes
1. Be more active
Regular exercise not only reduces stress, it also increases endorphins which make us feel happy and helps us shed those extra pounds. It also helps to lower your cholesterol and improve your heart function. By adding just 30 minutes of exercise each day, you can improve your chances of getting pregnant.
2. Reduce stress
Stress can have a great impact on your body. When we’re stressed, our bodies produce prolactin. Prolactin is also produced by women who are breastfeeding to inhibit ovulation. A healthy mind means a healthy body, so by reducing your stress you can increase your chances of conception.
3. Find ways to relax
By focusing more on relaxation, you are helping to increase your emotional as well as your physical well-being. Take the focus off of trying to conceive and think about things you enjoy doing – reading, doing a favorite craft, spending time outdoors, or simply a warm bath at the end of the day.
4. Maintain a healthy weight
Your weight can have a big impact on your fertility. Being over or underweight can directly affect conception. Know the right weight for your body height. This can help avoid hormonal imbalances and help keep your cycle regular. It can also help with the development and implantation of embryos.
5. Stop smoking
It’s known that smoking is bad for your health. However when it comes to pregnancy and trying to conceive, it can reduce your chances by half, harming eggs as well as sperm, and damaging DNA.
6. Reduce toxins
Smoking isn’t the only toxic thing you should avoid. Most of the foods we eat are packaged with harmful plastics. Cleaning products and cosmetics can contain harmful chemicals. These plastics and chemicals can cause an imbalance in your hormone levels which affects your fertility. Take time to get to know the products you’re using and consuming by reading labels and researching how they’re produced.
7. Sleep more
Most of us are already missing out on sleep each night. When it comes to your fertility, getting enough sleep is more important than ever. Sleep helps our bodies heal and recover. A lack of sleep can disrupt your menstrual cycle, so be sure to focus on a good bedtime routine.
8. Drink plenty of water
Drinking more water is important regardless of whether you’re trying to conceive. However, for those who want to get pregnant, increasing your water intake can have fertility boosting effects such as helping to flush unwanted toxins out of your system and keeping your cells hydrated.
9. Soak in the sun
Get out and catch some rays. Sunlight helps our bodies produce vitamin D. Greater levels of vitamin D can help to regulate your menstrual cycle and improve your mood. It doesn’t take a lot of sun – as little as 30 minutes a day will allow you to reap the benefits. Just be sure to soak in the sun safely and wear your sunscreen.
10. Try reflexology
Reflexology focuses on the idea that areas in your hands and feet are linked to specific organs in your body. You can stimulate these areas by applying pressure, increasing the energy flow. Look for someone who specializes in reflexology or find a massage therapist who can incorporate reflexology techniques into your massage.
By making simple changes to your diet and lifestyle, you can help prepare your body for pregnancy and increase your chances of conceiving.
Keep these tips on hand, and you’ll always know how to boost your fertility naturally.
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