Is it just me or does body fat always seem to go straight to the belly? And on top of that, figuring out how to burn belly fat is no walk in the park. Until now, that is! If you’ve been wondering how to get rid of stubborn belly fat , you’ve come to the right place. Check out the best tips, foods and exercises that actually work!
How to Burn Belly Fat: 5 Fat Burning Tips
1. Avoid Trans Fats
Trans fats are a type of fat found in foods like margarines, baked and fried foods, and are often added to packaged foods. They’ve been linked to inflammation and abdominal fat gain, not to mention heart issues. Make sure to read the nutrition labels on your food to avoid trans fats as much as possible.
2. Make Sure Your Meals are High in Protein
When your meals are high in protein, it will make you feel fuller for longer. If your meals are packed with refined carbs, salt and sugar, you’re going to feel hungry soon after you eat and will be more likely to mindlessly snack throughout the day. Make sure you have a protein source at every meal, whether it’s eggs, meat, fish, dairy, tofu, beans, or whatever your favourite protein is.
3. Cut Back on Refined Carbs
Reducing your carb intake, especially refined carbs will help you lose abdominal fat. Foods like white bread, white rice, pastries, pasta and breakfast cereals are the biggest culprits. Cut back on these foods as much as possible if you want to blast belly fat.
4. Eliminate as Much Sugar as Possible
Having you ever heard the line “sugar is the new smoking”? Sugary foods contain fructose, which has been linked to a number of diseases including heart disease and obesity. Excessive sugar intake leads to weight gain for a lot of people. Even natural sugars like honey should be consumed sparingly.
5. Cardio is Queen
Being conscious of what you eat and don’t eat will definitely help you burn belly fat, but adding cardio to the mix will ensure it happens even faster. Cardio has always been an effective weight loss method and is sure to help you slim your waistline.
3 Belly Fat Exercises
5 Low Ab Isolation Exercises That Will Make Your Lower Belly Fat Cry | Blogilates
Want to learn some of the best lower belly fat exercises? These five exercises isolate your lower abdominal muscles to blast stubborn fat! No need for weights, you can do these exercises anywhere you please!
10 Minute Lower Ab Workout | Lose Lower Belly Fat | Chloe Ting
This 10-minute ab workout is intense, but it will be worth the effort! The exercises will help you tone your lower ab area, as well as bring your heart rate up and burn overall fat. She recommends doing this routine after cardio for best belly fat burning results!
Yoga for Weight Loss and Belly Fat via|PsycheTruth
Practicing yoga is one of the best ways to lose belly fat fast. This is one of the best flows to not only get rid of belly fat, but build strength in your entire body! Strengthen your abs and core and watch your whole body tighten and tone with these easy exercises to lose belly fat.
6 Foods that Burn Belly Fat
1. Avocados
Avocados are high in healthy monounsaturated fats, which halt blood sugar spikes that signal your body to store fat around your belly. If you’re wondering what foods burn belly fat and bloat, avocados are one of the best!
2. Fermented Foods
Fermented foods like tempeh, miso and tamari, contain friendly bacteria called probiotics that regulate gut function and eliminate bloat. Fermented foods also help aid digestion, expel toxins and increase immune function, reducing the overall inflammation in your body.
3. Berries
Berries are full of fibre and packed with antioxidants, which improve blood flow. Improved blood flow delivers oxygen to the muscles, making fat-burning cardio and exercises easier. Berries also contain less sugars than most fruits, making them a great fat-burning snack!
4. Bananas
Bananas are chock full of potassium and magnesium, a mineral that can limit the amount of body swelling in your body, especially swelling from salty, processed foods. Add some nut butter to a banana and you have the perfect breakfast!
5. Nuts
Nuts such as peanuts, almonds and pistachios are rich in monounsaturated fats and are much healthier snacks than carb-based treats!
6. Beans and Lentils
Beans and lentils are two of the ultimate superfoods, helping you eliminate belly fat and build lean body mass. They’re filled with fibre and plant-based protein, as well as minerals and B-vitamins for the ultimate healthy combo!
4 Drinks to Lose Belly Fat
1. Water
Many people forget about the importance of water when it comes to banishing belly fat. Water flushes out toxins and keeps your appetite in check, helping you achieve a flat tummy.
2. Green Tea
Green tea is one of the best metabolism boosters out there. It contains tons of antioxidants and catechins, which are thought to have major fat-burning effects! Drinking three to five cups a day is recommended for best results!
3. Kombucha
Kombucha is a fermented tea that contains the same friendly bacteria as fermented foods. As a rich source of probiotics, it can improve digestion, inflammation and weight loss.
RELATED: Kombucha Starter Kit for Beginners
4. Kefir
Kefir is pretty much yogurt’s more potent, probiotic-filled counterpart. It’s a creamy, yogurt-like smoothie that you can drink on its own or add fruit or granola on top of. The good bacteria in kefir helps maintain the balance of organisms in the intestine, and can help speed up weight loss!
Banishing belly fat can be a serious pain, but with these foods and exercises, you’re sure to slim down your midsection in no time!
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