Your home should be a place where you can relax, let go of stress, and feel safe and comfortable. It is your home, after all, and it should invoke those warm cozy vibes when you enter the door. If it doesn’t, it’s time to learn how to create an at-home sanctuary. But giving your home a makeover doesn’t require a large budget or a lengthy time frame. You can make a few intentional changes regardless of your expenses or schedule – keep reading to learn how easy it can be.
8 Benefits of Creating An At-Home Sanctuary
You don’t need to makeover your entire home to provide the benefits of a sanctuary. In fact, you can designate a specific room or area and design it for your self-care and peace. When you do this, you’ll feel an uplift in your physical and mental health;
- Reduced anxiety and stress
- Improved focus and concentration
- Better sleep and less insomnia
- Enables you to reflect and find clarity
- Builds your self-awareness
- Provides a healthy coping mechanism
- Decreased irritability and mood swings
- Increased likelihood to adopt more positive habits
10 Essentials to Invest In
Everyone needs different factors and things that make them feel at peace. But a few fan favorites and ones we believe are musts for an at-home sanctuary include:
- Candles and essential oils for aromatherapy
- Yoga mat for meditation and exercise
- House plants that add color and promote relaxation
- Nightstand that serves multiple purposes
- Journal for periods of reflection
- A meditation pillow to make meditating more comfortable
- A comfy chair for reading and drinking coffee
- A lamp for added light
- Paint if you want to change the color of your space
- Special touches like art, crystals, or wall plaques with affirmations
How To Create An At-Home Sanctuary
1. Select a space
The first step in learning how to create an at-home sanctuary is to select a bedroom or small space where you can call it your own. It doesn’t have to be a large portion of your home. In fact, it can be as small as a comfy chair near a window to feel peace and calm after a stressful day. Whichever space you choose, you should feel safe and secure to practice meditation, mindfulness, or any activity that aids your physical and mental health.
2. Decide what makes you feel good
An at-home sanctuary will look different depending on who you ask since we all possess a unique environment to feel relaxed and at peace. Therefore, think and visualize what that space looks like for you. What habits do you want to implement? Do you want to meditate (start with these guided beginner meditations)? Do you love yoga? Are you a fan of journaling? Reflect on your dream sanctuary, and don’t shy away from the details. Once you have an idea and intention, it will be easier to create it.
3 Clean and minimize clutter
Unclean homes and clutter can easily make you feel overwhelmed and stressed – creating the reverse effect you want. So, go through your designated area and remove any unnecessary items. You can also buy containers from a thrift store, or you can make them DIY-style to organize your clutter. While you’re at it, clean the rest of your home to invite an overall relaxed feeling when you sit down in your new sanctuary. It will be worth the extra time and effort.
4. Use natural light
When selecting a space for your personal sanctuary, choose a room with natural light. Natural light is a key component because it increases our brain’s production of the happiness chemical serotonin. The more sunlight you’re exposed to, the happier you’ll be, especially in a space designed to boost your wellbeing. Therefore, open the curtains and consider painting the wall white – it will make it brighter and more spacious.
5. Bring the outdoors inside
In addition to sunlight, greenery also enhances your well-being. For instance, house plants provide several mood-enhancing benefits like reduced fatigue, decreased stress and anxiety, and as a bonus, they clean your air. When you add plants, you’ll not only feel more connected to nature, but you’ll have a pop of color in your new cozy sanctuary.
6. Consider sound therapy
The goal of sound therapy is to soften the external sounds while reducing your stress and promoting relaxation. Singing bowls, meditation music, wind chimes, and gongs are all ways you can practice this form of healing at home. As you wind down from work, either listen to meditation music or take a singing bowl and hit the outer rim of the bowl with a mallet. It creates vibrations and frequencies that create a state of inner peace.
7. Reduce distractions
While it’s not always easy, try to select a room where distractions are at a bare minimum. If this isn’t possible, learn how to set and communicate healthy boundaries with your family before retreating to your sanctuary. For example, explain to them you need your downtime and to please keep quiet during your period of relaxation and reflection. Boundaries are a part of self-care and are a great benefit to add to your sanctuary.
8. Add calming oils and candles
What is your favorite scent that makes you feel relaxed and calm? Lavender, vanilla, rose, sandalwood, or bergamot? Whatever your favorite is, make sure you fill your sanctuary with scents that help you unwind and create calming properties. Candles are also a great option and provide a great way to meditate. Indeed, candle flame meditation involves keeping your gaze on the flame for an extended period to practice mindfulness and soothe racing thoughts.
9. Adjust the temperature
While it depends on the person, the best temperature is around 60 to 67 degrees Fahrenheit or 15.6 to 19.4 Celsius. This temperature range promotes deep sleep and relaxation. Make your sanctuary a part of your night routine, and play around with the temperature to determine how it affects your sleep and stress levels.
10. Go vintage for decoration
After selecting your space, shop around at vintage stores, non-profits like Goodwill, garage sales, and Facebook Marketplace to add special touches without the financial stress. While shopping, look for items like throw pillows, blankets, soft rugs, a nightstand for journaling, or a meditation pillow to make your sanctuary more relaxing and comforting. Shopping vintage and reused makes your space more environmentally sustainable – double win.
Remember, regardless of your budget or time frame, there are intentional ways you can learn how to create an at-home sanctuary. You deserve to feel at peace and wind down in a space that’s entirely yours.
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