Having toned, slim legs is something most women strive for. But if you don’t exercise on a consistent basis, it’s tough to keep your legs in shape. I danced competitively throughout high school, and once I was in college, I danced about 4 times a week. My legs never looked better. I was constantly working different muscles, plus, I loved to run, so it was no surprise my legs were one of my best assets. Fast forward a few years, and dance classes are out of the equation, so I’ve had to work a little harder to get skinny legs.
I love finding new leg workouts to do, especially if I can do them from the comfort of my apartment. I don’t always have time to go to the gym, so I pull out my exercise mat, pop on some Youtube videos, and get to work. It’s not just about shedding fat and having toned legs, it’s about getting your body healthy all around. Since your legs are your body’s biggest muscle group, having a consistent leg workout routine gives you endorphins, boosts your immune function and cranks your metabolism.
Another fun thing you can do is start a leg challenge with your friends. It always helps to have some encouragement and accountability! You can choose a 30-day challenge, or simply group a bunch of exercises together and share them among your friends. Choose a specific day to do each one so you can push each other on.
If you’re wondering how to get perfect legs, take a look at these 8 slimming leg workouts you can do anywhere.
3 Minute Inner Thigh Burn by Lottie Murphy
Working the inside of your thighs is one of the most effective ways to get very skinny legs. It’s one of the hardest places to tone, so if you don’t put consistent effort into it, you won’t reap the results. It’s super important to strengthen your inner thighs, not only to make your legs look great, but also to support your joints and keep you healthy all around. This three minute workout is quick and to the point, but you’ll definitely feel the burn!
Long Lean Dancer Leg Exercises by Joanna Soh Official
As a former dancer, I had to throw this one in here. Dance exercises helped me tone my legs so much, and I love the ones she included in this video. From ballet calf rises to cross back lunge and leg circles, there are 5 exercises that are sure to slim down your legs. You’ll want to do 20 reps each and 3 to 4 sets. If you want your legs to look longer and slimmer, this routine will help you achieve it!
30 Day Thigh Slimming Challenge by Blogilates
I love the Blogilates workouts, and this one is no different. The goal is to incorporate these leg exercises into your daily routine, so that in 30 days you’ll have strong, toned legs. You’re sure to see great results from this routine if you keep it consistent and don’t give up, even when it burns. Commit to at least 30 days of the thigh slimming challenge and see how far it takes you!
5 Minute Outer Thigh Workout by Love Sweat Fitness
You can say buh-bye to saddle bags with this outer thigh workout. In just 5 minutes, these exercises will help you slim down and tone so your legs look and feel great! Power through the short workout and reap the benefits on the other side. At just 5 minutes, it’s the perfect routine to do when your day is jam packed!
Cellulite Elimination Routine by Vicky Justiz
If you’re looking to eliminate cellulite and tone your legs at the same time, these exercises are for you! With 9 different moves, from kick-ups to fire hydrants to squats, you’ll learn the best moves to strengthen your legs and get rid of those unwanted skin dimples. She explains how to do each exercise properly so you reap all the benefits. Follow her speed so you can do the movements effectively.
Slim Legs and Inner Thighs Workout for Beginners by PsycheTruth
These exercises are perfect if you’re looking to shape, tone and tighten the inner thigh muscles. It’s a 20-minute at-home workout that will help you tone up and slim down. All you need is your exercise mat and a small space in your house where you can do the moves comfortably. You’re sure to feel the burn through the 20-minute workout, but don’t give up! Push through and soon you’ll have the legs of your dreams.
Thin Thighs in 30 Days by Natalie Jill Fitness
With 4 thigh exercises and a routine that ties them all together, if you’re consistent, this sexy leg workout will give you toned legs in the next 30 days. She demonstrates how to do the side to side lunge, in and out burgers, the curtesy lunge and drive thru kicks. If you’re worried about having fat thighs, this exercise is sure to whip them into shape.
How to Get Thinner Thighs | 4 Victoria Secret Workout for SEXY Thighs! By Femniqe
If having fat legs is a concern of yours, try out these 4 exercises, and do them 2 to 3 times a week for best results. Victoria’s Secret model legs don’t have to be a distant dream. Implement these moves into your workout and you’ll have sculpted, skinny legs in no time.
If you’ve been looking for a way to slim down and tone your legs, these exercises will work wonders for you. No longer do you have to worry about taking time out to go to the gym, you can do these 8 effective workouts from the comfort of your own home!
If you liked these exercises that teach you how to get skinny legs, please share this post on Pinterest!