There’s no denying it, weight loss can be tricky, and sticking to a conventional diet makes things even more difficult. Counting calories and depriving yourself of food can lead to unhealthy eating habits and constant weight loss and regain. It can be more beneficial to tweak some of your habits to live a healthier lifestyle all around. Not only will this make you feel better and more energized, it will also help you cut down on calories in a more sustainable way. Here’s how to lose weight without dieting with 10 helpful tips.
Is It Really Possible to Lose Weight without Dieting?
Yes, in fact, many people are more successful with losing weight when they don’t go on a diet. Dieting can be harmful for your health, leading to unhealthy eating habits, mental woes, and a negative body image. Regimented diet plans can also be challenging to stick to for long periods, resulting in yo-yo dieting (weight loss and regain).
Many simple lifestyle changes can help you lose weight, and they have nothing to do with restrictive diets. Your main focus should be on leading a healthy lifestyle all around – combining regular exercise with healthy eating habits, daily movement, and reduced stress.
How to Lose Weight without Dieting
1. Slow Down and Chew More
Sometimes I eat my meals so fast, I barely even taste them. If you can relate, it’s time we slow it down and actually chew our food. Eating slowly is such a simple thing to do, that comes with so many benefits. It gives your body time to actually get full before you eat more, reducing overeating. Chewing your food more makes you eat more slowly and feel fuller with less calories. This is a great way to decrease food intake, increase fullness, and eat smaller portion sizes.
2. Walk It Off
Getting in light movement after you eat is super beneficial. Walking after a meal stimulates your GLUT4 receptors (they transport glucose), causing your muscles to absorb the glucose you consumed. This prevents spikes in insulin levels, which give you a short-lived burst of energy and leave you drained and hungry shortly after. Walking after eating can also aid in digestion and burn calories, helping with weight loss.
3. Increase Protein
You should be eating protein at every meal of the day. Protein has a strong effect on appetite. It can increase feelings of fullness, reduce hunger, and help you eat fewer calories. Protein affects the hormones that play a role in hunger and fullness, including ghrelin and glucan-like peptide. Eating a protein-rich breakfast can make you less hungry and eat less calories throughout the day. Protein-rich foods include eggs, lean meats and poultry, Greek yogurt, tofu, quinoa, and beans.
4. Prepare Home Cooked Meals
Meals will almost always be healthier when they’re homemade. You can ensure you use nutritious foods in your meals and can control the amount of salt, sugar, sauces, and other ingredients. By cooking at home, you know you’ll be eating fresh, balanced meals, which not only helps you maintain a healthy weight, but also boosts your energy, stabilizes your mood, and improves sleep and stress.
5. Lift Weights Regularly
One of the best ways to lose weight without dieting is with resistance training. Lifting weights helps you burn calories and build muscle, and for every pound of muscle you gain, your body will burn more calories, even at rest. When you lift weights, more of the food you eat will go to repairing and rebuilding your body, meaning you can gain muscle while losing fat. Aim to strength train three times per week, mixed with cardio workouts for the best results.
6. Eat without Distractions
Many of us eat in front of the TV or playing on our phones, which makes it easy to lose track of how much we’ve eaten. This can cause overeating and consuming more calories than we need. Paying attention to what you eat makes you more mindful of your food and allows you to eat more slowly. If you regularly eat your meals while watching TV or using electronic devices, you may be eating more and packing on unnecessary calories.
7. Cut Back on Sugar-Filled Drinks
High consumption of sugary drinks like soda, juice, and flavoured coffee beverages has been linked to a higher risk of heart disease and type 2 diabetes. You’re essentially consuming empty calories since the nutritional value of these drinks ranges from low to non-existent. It’s also very easy to consume excess calories from sugary drinks since liquids don’t make you feel as full as solid foods do. Replacing your sugar-sweetened beverages with low calorie options like water, tea, or lightly sweetened coffee can help with weight loss.
8. Eat More Fibre
Similar to protein, fibre fills you up and keeps you satisfied for longer so you don’t need to eat as much. Unlike other foods, the body doesn’t digest fibre in the small intestine – the food moves to the large intestine where fermentation occurs. This increases fullness, slows down digestion, and prevents constipation. You can find fibre in fruit, vegetables, legumes, and whole grains.
9. Sleep More and Reduce Stress
Sleep and stress can both affect your weight. A good night’s sleep is essential as poor sleep disrupts important hormones, including those involved in metabolism. High levels of stress can also disrupt hormonal balance. When you’re stressed, your body produces hormones called glucocorticoids. Too many glucocorticoids can increase your appetite, leading to weight gain. Stress can also trigger emotional eating.
10. Make Healthier Snacks
Snacks are an important part of your daily nutrient intake. The problem is, many people reach for convenient, high calorie snacks that aren’t nutritious at all. It’s very easy to grab a bag of chips, cookies, or a croissant to quickly curb your hunger. However, healthy homemade snacks can increase fullness and reduce the number of calories you consume at meals. Healthy snacks include an apple or banana with nut butter, homemade trail mix, carrots with hummus, edamame, and Greek yogurt.
If you’ve been wondering how to lose weight in a sustainable way, these lifestyle changes are sure to help!
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