When I first found out I was pregnant with my daughter, I was determined I would eat well, exercise daily, and wear my pre-pregnancy jeans home from the hospital, and for the first couple of weeks, I did a pretty good job. I ate a lot of salads, went for walks after dinner, and drank a TON of water to keep me and my growing baby hydrated, and since I was sleeping more than I ever had in my entire life, I felt like I was on the way to becoming a happier and healthier version of myself. But then morning sickness hit and it was all I could do to drag myself out of bed each morning, let alone munch on a bowl of kale. Refined carbs were my new best friend, and I was too absorbed in trying not to puke all day that I couldn’t have cared less about how much weight I was gaining.
Fortunately for me, the queasiness subsided by about the 17-week mark and I was finally able to stomach healthier foods, but when you spend 3+ months with your head in the toilet, you gain a little perspective on life, and the idea of leaving the hospital looking like a supermodel after giving birth to the most important thing to ever happen to my husband and me was pretty low on my priority list.
I just wanted my family to be health and happy.
So I ate whatever my heart desired, and when the nurse placed my little girl in my arms for the first time, I didn’t regret any of those 4 am bowls of cereal, mid-morning plates filled with mac and cheese, or late night marmite and cheese sandwiches. I did exactly what my body told me I needed to do, and while I wish I didn’t look like I was 4-months pregnant for the first month after we brought our little one home from the hospital, I kept reminding myself it had taken me 9 months to gain all of that weight, and it would likely take 9 months to lose it.
When it finally came time for my 6-week post natal checkup, I was filled with so many questions for my OB/GYN, and when he gave me the all-clear to start exercising again, I was ecstatic. Working out has always been a huge stress relief for me, and while I didn’t have the time or energy to make it to the gym every single day, I managed to find some great at home workouts that helped me lose the baby weight.
And since I know there are many other women out there who are in a similar position as I once was – desperate to get their pre-pregnancy body back but completely unable to make it to the gym – today I’m sharing 10 fabulous postnatal workouts to help you lose the baby weight.
Note: Please do not try any of these exercises before your doctor tells you it’s safe to do so!
Postnatal Workout or Post Abdominal Surgery Workout by FitnessBlender
Fun Post Natal Workout with Baby! by blogilates
Postnatal SlimDown Cardio Workout by MomsIntoFitness
Post-Pregnancy Exercise | Workout and Lose Weight After Pregnancy by BabbaCo by Jessica Kim
Post Pregnancy Exercise by The Healthy Mummy
How to Lose After-Pregnancy Weight Fast Using Home Exercises by LIVESTRONG.COM
Fit Pregnancy – Lose the Baby Weight! by Inspired Studios
8 Weeks Postpartum- Lose the Baby Weight Workout by sam prestenbach
Lose Baby Weight: Safe Post Pregnancy Tummy Exercises by PregnancyExercise Lorraine
Tracy Anderson – Post Pregnancy Workout by Мария Никифорова
If you found these postnatal workouts helpful, please share them on Pinterest!