Adopting a vegan diet is becoming more and more mainstream. With so many health and environmental benefits, it’s unsurprising that so many people are turning to veganism in their diets and lifestyle. If you’re unfamiliar with the vegan way of eating, it’s a diet that’s void of any animals or animal byproducts, focusing on plant based foods. One of the concerns with a vegan diet is not getting enough protein, but there are actually plenty of high protein plant foods to keep you full and healthy. Interested in learning more about the vegan diet? Take a look at the benefits of eating vegan and check out our favorite high protein vegan meals below!
What Do Vegans Eat?
An easier question is probably, “what do vegans not eat?” Vegans avoid eating any animals and their byproducts such as milk, cheese and honey. They don’t eat gelatin, which is used in many sweets and they also don’t eat egg wash, which is on the outside of many baked goods.
Although vegans cut out many foods, there’s still tons for them to eat! Vegans eat various plant foods, including fruits, vegetables, whole grains, legumes, nuts, seeds, and products made from these foods. They also eat vegan substitutes for meat, poultry and fish, and get their protein from sources like tofu, tempeh, and beans and lentils. Vegan dishes can be extremely flavourful and if they’re well-rounded, they will offer all the nutrients you need!
What Are The Benefits of Eating Vegan?
1. The Vegan Diet is Rich In Important Nutrients
A healthy vegan diet is made up of nutrient-rich whole foods like fruits, vegetables, grains, nuts, beans and lentils. People who follow a healthy vegan diet tend to consume more fibre, antioxidants, potassium, magnesium, folate and vitamins A, C and E.
It can become problematic when vegan diets are poorly planned and are made up of nutrient-poor, fast-food vegan options. This can lead to insufficient amounts of essential fatty acids, vitamin B12, iron, calcium, iodine and zinc.
2. It Can Reduce Your Risk of Cancer and Other Diseases
A vegan diet may protect against certain cancers, as plant based foods are high in phytochemicals, including antioxidants in fruits and vegetables. Vegans typically consume higher amounts of antioxidant carotenoids and omega-3 fatty acids and lower amounts of saturated fatty acids than their non-vegan counterparts.
Vegans eat considerably higher amounts of legumes, fruits and vegetables, as well as soy products, which can help protect against breast cancer. Eating such a healthy diet can also lower your risk of heart disease and diabetes.
3. Boosts Your Mood
Eating vegan can also boost your mood and lower your risk of depression. Consuming a higher amount of vitamins and nutrients helps to boost your immune system, sleep better and feel better all around. Vegans also typically eat a higher amount of complex carbohydrates, which increase the feel good hormone, serotonin in the brain.
4. Can Aid Weight Loss
A vegan diet can also help you lose excess weight. Vegan diets have a natural tendency to reduce your calorie intake, without you actively having to focus on cutting calories. Vegan foods typically contain less saturated fat than animal products do, and vegans tend to have a lower body mass index than non-vegans.
5. Reduce Inflammation
A diet high in healthy vegan foods is high in antioxidants, which can reduce inflammation. Consuming animal-derived foods has been linked to pain-causing inflammation, so cutting these foods out can make a big difference for your body. Probiotic plant-based foods such as fermented vegetables, kimchi and miso, can boost the good bacteria in your gut, helping to increase nutrient absorption and reduce inflammation.
20 Protein Sources for Vegans
1. Sunflower Seeds
2. Almond Butter
3. Peanut Butters
4. Black Beans
5. Tofu
6. Chickpeas
7. Lentils
8. Nutritional Yeast
9. Quinoa
10. Pumpkin Seeds
11. Sesame Seeds
12. Oats
13. Tempeh
14. Hemp Seeds
15. Edamame
16. Hummus
17. Buckwheat
18. Seitan
19. Green Vegetables
20. Sprouted Grain Bread