My daughter’s preschool teachers recently added a science component to the program she’s in, and if I had a nickel for every time she asked if we can do a science experiment, I would be a very rich woman.
Of course, I wasn’t overly interested in science when I was a kid, so I am not exactly full of ideas to entertain her with, but thanks to the wonderful world of Pinterest, I was able to find 25 fabulous science experiments for preschoolers for the 2 of us to do together.
And you know what?
Science is pretty fun!
Now if you’ll excuse me, I’m off to make a jar of gummy worms dance for us (see # 2)…
1. Dissolve the “M” Off an M&M (Coffee Cups and Crayons)
2. Dancing Worms (Playdough to Plato)
3. Magic Milk Science Experiment (Laughing Kids Learn)
4. Hopping Corn Science Activity (One Time Through)
5. Snow Storm in a Jar (Growing a Jeweled Rose)
6. Fireworks in a Glass (Paging Fun Mums!)
7. Ocean in a Bottle (Happy Hooligans)
8. Walking Water Science Experiment for Kids (Coffee Cups and Crayons)
9. A Multi-Sensory Experiment with Jell-O & Vinegar (Fun-A-Day)
10. How Clouds Make Rain (The Happy Housewife)
11. Inflate a Balloon with Baking Soda and Vinegar (Life is Peachy)
12. Erupting Candy Cane Science (Growing a Jeweled Rose)
13. Celery & Food Coloring (Dose of Happy)
14. Fizzy Ice (Toddler Approved)
15. Make a Lava Lamp (123 Homeschool 4 Me)
16. Salt and Ice Activity – Melting Frozen Hands (Happy Hooligans)
17. Science for Kids: Rainbow Jar (Playdough to Plato)
18. Exploding Milk Experiment (Mess for Less)
19. Summer Experiment with Water & Oil (Growing a Jeweled Rose)
20. Apple Cider Vinegar Experiment (Blog Me Mom)
21. Marshmallow Science Experiment (Fantastic Fun and Learning)
22. The “Why do we need sunscreen?” Experiment (I Can Teach My Child)
23. Apple Volcanoes Science for Kids (Frogs Snails and Puppy Dog Tails)
24. Magical Melting Dough (Growing a Jeweled Rose)
25. Glowing Magic Milk Experiment (Learn Play Imagine)
If you enjoyed these science experiments for preschoolers as much as we have, please share them on Pinterest!