It seems like there’s a new viral fitness trend every week. And while most of them end up being disappointing (they’re too hard to keep up with or miss the mark on healthy choices), the 30/30/30 morning routine just may have cracked the code. The 30/30/30 method is rooted in science and relatively easy to fit into your every day schedule. In the simplest terms, you wake up, eat some protein, and go for a 30 minute walk. Ahead, we break down the details, how it works, and tips to make the best out of this morning routine.
What is The 30/30/30 Morning Routine?
The 30/30/30 morning routine is a weight loss method that involves eating 30 grams of protein within 30 minutes of waking up in the morning, followed by 30 minutes of steady-state cardio exercise. While there are tons of weight loss “hacks” out there that aren’t effective, this one is actually rooted in science, so it’s worth a try. The 30/30/30 method was made viral by human biologist, researcher, and biohacker Gary Brecka, but it was first coined by Tim Ferris in his book The 4-Hour Body. It’s a back-to-basics approach to reaching your fitness goals that’s easy to fit into a busy lifestyle.
Does The 30/30/30 Morning Routine Work?
Although every body is different, the 30/30/30 morning routine has seen incredible results. Eating protein first thing in the morning stabilizes your glucose and insulin levels. If you’re waking up and eating sugary cereal, pastries, or drinking coffee on an empty stomach it causes a huge spike in cortisol (from the caffeine) and insulin (due to sugar and simple carbohydrates). This leads to weight gain and the inability to lose weight, and also disrupts your hormones.
The idea behind the 30/30/30 method is that it can burn body fat instead of lean muscle. Consuming protein at breakfast can support this goal, as can exercise. Any time you get your heart rate pumping above your resting heart rate, you improve or maintain your fitness. And getting your heart rate up is good for burning body fat.
Protein helps with muscle building and feeling satisfied when we eat. If you don’t eat enough protein throughout the day, you’re more likely to feel hungry, give in to cravings, and overeat. Many people eat little protein at breakfast and get most of their protein at dinner. It’s much more beneficial to spread your protein intake throughout the day, and that means having 30 grams of protein at breakfast.
7 30/30/30 Morning Routine Tips for Success
1. Have Breakfast Prepped
The first step of this routine is to eat 30 grams of protein when you wake up in the morning. If you’re used to grabbing a breakfast bar or bagel, this may take a bit of getting used to, but it’s all about the preparation. Make sure you have all your breakfast ingredients on hand and prep whatever you can ahead of time. For example, make a batch of hard boiled eggs you can eat with whole grain toast. Have ingredients for a fruit smoothie with protein powder, top cottage cheese with berries, or enjoy high protein bread with nut butter.
2. A Balanced Diet is Key
While eating protein in the morning is an essential part of this routine, if you’re eating sugary, simple carbs the rest of the day, you won’t get the results you’re looking for. You need to eat a balanced diet that consists of all essential vitamins. Your eating plan should consist of lean proteins, whole grains, fruits and vegetables, complex carbs, and fibre.
3. 30 Minutes of Steady-State Cardio Exercise
Steady-state cardio exercise includes low-intensity exercises like walking, a leisurely bike ride, light jogging, or swimming laps in a pool. You should not be panting or huffing or puffing during this type of exercise. It doesn’t have to be complicated and should easily fit into your routine. Try taking a brisk walk around your neighbourhood or on a treadmill, or take a Zumba class. What matters most is you’re getting movement in at a steady pace that you can maintain and enjoy!
4. Work in Other Forms of Exercise
To get the most benefits out of the 30/30/30 method, it’s also important to work in other types of workouts as well. If steady-state cardio is your only form of exercise, you’re missing out on key components of a healthy body, such as muscle strength through resistance training. There are also many benefits of doing more high intensity workouts, such as boosting your metabolism, improving your stamina, and burning fat and calories. Be sure to mix in other forms of exercises for best results.
5. Don’t Get Bogged Down by Numbers
One of the main reasons why diets aren’t often successful is people get too caught up with the numbers. Anything with numbers involved can make people get obsessed, or make it seem more difficult to add to your daily routine. This can make it harder to keep up with. The most important part is that you eat protein as soon as you wake up and get some light exercise in at some point. Don’t feel too pressured by numbers. If you can only get 20 grams of protein at breakfast, or only have time for a 15 minute walk before you head to work, you’ll still reap benefits.
6. Drink Lots of Water
Water plays a key role in weight loss reduction. Aim to drink eight glasses of water each day to stay hydrated and minimize mindless snacking. Water may suppress your appetite, boost your metabolism, and make exercise more efficient. Thirst is frequently misinterpreted as hunger, so if you think you’re feeling hungry, try drinking some water first.
7. Personalize the Routine
Every body and lifestyle is unique, and it’s important to figure out what works best for you in order for it to fit into your routine. The key is understanding your body’s needs, how it responds to different routines, and how you can fit the routine into your life in a meaningful way. Find an activity that you enjoy for your form of exercise. If it’s not working for you, switch it up.
The 30/30/30 morning routine is low risk and backed by science, so if you’ve been wanting to try out a new weight loss program, this could be the one!
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