Feeling more overwhelmed and anxious than usual? Meditation is one of the best things you can do to get your mind into a calm and relaxed state. It enhances self awareness, promotes emotional health and helps alleviate stress and anxiety. In overwhelming or uncertain times, it helps to have a mediation practice you can rely on to help you get through it with calm and ease. If you’re just getting into meditation, we’ve put together a guide on meditation for beginners! From the different types of meditation to meditation apps and guided meditations we love, check out our meditation round up!
What is Meditation?
Meditation is all about training yourself to achieve mental clarity and an emotionally calm state. It helps you gain awareness and a healthy sense of perspective so you can get yourself out of negative mental states. It’s not about turning off your thoughts or feelings, it’s about understanding how to observe them without judgement. Meditation is an exercise that involves relaxation, focus and awareness to help encourage concentration, clarity and emotional stability.
What Are the Different Types of Meditation?
There are numerous types of meditation out there! Here are five of the most popular meditation practices, great for beginners!
1. Guided Meditation
In guided meditation, a teacher guides you through a meditation practice either in person or via an app (check out our favourites below!). Guided meditation is great for beginners as they rely on more advanced teachers to help people get the most out of the experience.
2. Unguided (Silent) Meditation
Unguided meditation, also called silent or self-guided meditation, is when you meditate alone without anyone else guiding you. There are different ways to do unguided meditation from sitting quietly and paying attention to your thoughts to using techniques you’ve learned from guided practices.
3. Mindfulness Meditation
Mindfulness is the process of becoming fully present, aware of what we are and what we are doing and not being judgmental of ourselves. Mindfulness meditation is when you acknowledge your thoughts as they pass through your mind, but you don’t judge or become involved with them. You observe your thoughts and become aware of any patterns in your thoughts.
4. Mantra Meditation
A mantra is a sacred word, group of words, sound or syllable that is thought to have psychological or spiritual powers (“om” for example). Mantra meditation uses a repetition of the word or sound to clear the mind. Whether chanted, whispered or silently recited, a mantra is a powerful meditation tool that will make you more alert and in tune with your environment, allowing you to become more aware. Mantra meditation is ideal if you’re not a fan of silent meditation.
5. Focused Meditation
In focused meditation you focus your attention on a sound, object or sensation such as your breath. Focusing on something intently helps you stay in the present moment and slow down your inner dialogue. Don’t be discouraged if your mind wanders from your focus at the beginning. Just make sure to come back to the practice and refocus.
How to Make a Meditation Space: 3 Tips
1. Choose a Space with Good Vibes
Meditation is all about feeling calm and relaxed. Choose a space that’s serene and peaceful rather than a space in a highly trafficked area. Meditation is a technique you’re supposed to be able to do anywhere (even on public transit in the middle of the day), but when you’re meditating at home, make sure your space is calm, quiet and radiates good vibes.
2. Keep the Room Clean and Uncluttered
If you want to declutter your mind, it’s important to practice meditation in a space that’s also clean and uncluttered. Minimize items and distractions in your meditation space. Your eyes should be able to fall on a clean surface, not one that’s covered with clutter.
3. Add Plants In
There are many benefits of adding plants to your at home meditation space. They improve your air quality, helping you breathe better, and keeping your airways clear and irritant free. Plants can also improve your mental health, as they create a sense of peace and healing.
3 Meditation Apps to Try
1. Headspace
Headspace is one of the most popular meditation apps around. There are plenty of options from beginner to more advanced meditations, including guided meditations, sleep sounds and SOS meditations for emergencies.
2. Calm
Calm is another great app that provides guided sessions ranging from 3 to 25 minutes. From calming anxiety to practicing mindfulness, plus nature sounds and breathing exercises, Calm is extremely versatile and easy to use!
3. Smiling Mind
The Smiling Mind app was created by psychologists and educators and is 100% not-for-profit. It will help you bring mindfulness and balance into your life and offers a wide variety of meditation programs for all ages.
3 Guided Meditations We Love
15-Minute Guided Meditation to Find Inner Peace in Uncertain Times | Boho Beautiful
This 15 minute meditation is perfect if you’re experiencing anxiety and stress. It aims to lead you to peace, balance and joy, especially during uncertain times. You’ll learn how to reconnect with your inner self and let go of anxiety, fear, stress, or whatever is holding you back. It will enhance positivity and calm, helping you through tough times.
Meditation for Inner Peace | Yoga with Adriene
A 10 minute practice, this guided meditation has you focus on what feels good in your mind and body. It’s a simple practice and will help you find your inner peace and calm. You’ll use your breath to go inward and connect with what matters most. Jump into something comfy and sit on a yoga mat for ultimate relaxation.
20 Minute Guided Meditation for Reducing Anxiety and Stress | The Mindful Movement
This 20 minute guided meditation is all about getting the clutter out of your mind so you can relax and calm down. If your mind is cluttered, you’re more likely to feel anxious and overwhelmed. This meditation practice aims to reduce your stress level and improve your overall health and wellbeing. Practice it regularly to reap the most benefits.
Mediation can help you through times of high anxiety, stress and uncertainty. Try these tips and guided meditations to feel relaxed and calm from day to day.
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